I’m sure there is no need to explain the virtues of regular backups. Below are three steps to peace of mind
1) Configure a backup directory on the server
mkdir /var/lib/backupfolder
cd /var/lib/backupfolder
2) Make a backup script
vi mysqlbackup.sh
# MySQL server username goes here
# MySQL server password goes here
# List of DBNAMES for Backup
#date timestamp used in the log
DATE=`/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d_%Hh%Mm`
# format the output file
#working directory
#cd $DIR
# Do the MySQL Backup
/usr/bin/mysqldump --database $DBNAME --opt --single-transaction -u$USERNAME -p$PASSWORD | /usr/bin/gzip -9 > $OUTDIR$OUTFILE
Dont forget to change permissions
chmod +x mysqlbackup.sh
3) Schedule the backup in crontab
crontab -e
Add something along the lines of:
30 23 * * * /var/lib/backupfolder/mysqlbackup.sh
To backup at 11:30PM every day. Just as important as to backup up is to test restores; – it’s no good having backups and feeling at ease if you cant recover in the event of catastrophe!