Filed under PHP, but obviously much more than that.
In an update to this post, it is time for a revisit of UTF-8.
In a post entitled “Everything you always wanted to know about UTF-8 (but never dared to ask)” the good folk at the iBuildings TechPortal have Juliette Reinders Folmer speak on a variety of topics.
“…In this talk I will cover UTF-8 from basic linguistics, through client-side aspects to all the steps you need to take to tackle the most common (and some more obscure) issues when using UTF-8 in a database driven PHP application…”
Check it out here.
That was surprisingly interesting. Cant believe I said that
Well, it takes all types! 🙂
Another rather useful post on WebMonkeyUK on how to avoid character encoding problems:
Another great article from Joel Spolsky (from 2003 no less!)